Willow Brook Christian Village

At the time of its original construction in the early 90s, the main dining room at Willow Brook Christian Village was ahead of its time.  Willow Brook was one of the first facilities to offer restaurant-style food service and remove the stigma associated with institutional food.  As years passed and the face of senior living evolved, it became evident a make-over was needed.  However, many of Willow Brook’s residents were deeply concerned about any proposed changes.  Thus, Willow Brook decided that a light remodel of the space would be the best initial step, with the installation of new carpeting and new blue chairs.  After this preliminary update, the focus shifted to expanding and renovating the kitchen, completed in 2015.  As improvements were completed in other areas, the necessity of a complete dining area overhaul became more obvious.   

Total Building Area: 5,758 sq. ft.

Construction Cost: $94/sq. ft.

Total Construction Cost: $541,201

Date Completed: 2016